Pet Society Cooked To get Your Cash Item by Nofil2000


  1. Install Adobe Air Runtime
  2. Install nofil2000 BinarReader --> this tool will let you read Pet Society databae (database.dat)
  3. Install nofil2000 Hasher
  4. Run the Hasher and type the name of the CC item you want to Cook and click hash to get the CC item hash 
  5. Open recipes_hashed.xml in notepade you will see something like this producthash="XXXXXXXXX"
  6. Replace XXXXXXXXX by the item hash code

  7. Save recipes_hashed.xml
  8. Open Fiddler and drag the recipes_hashed.xml into fiddler autoresponder to replace the recipes_hashed.xml
  9. Clear the Cache and make sure the browser is forced to use Fiddler 
  10. Load Pet Society , If Error Appears just refresh it
  11. Cook Your Item and wait 10 mints --> Then Take it Hot from the oven and enjoy
Just Watch The Video If Unclear



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