Tools (Download)
Xml file (Download)
- Download the important .xml file from the links above.
- Fiddler // read tutorial if it's your first time using
- Charles // read tutorial if it's your first time using
- Firefox ONLY
// Millionaire City Money Cheat version2 [faster/better/richer] //
- Download above xml file.
- Go to Fiddler > Auto responder and ensure both options are ticked.
- Drag the downloaded file into the auto responder and you shd see a new rule.
REGEX:(?insx).*commerceDefinitions\.xml$ - Important: Clear browser cache and reload Millionaire City
- If database is loaded, you should now have 0 limit to getting money.
- To prevent game errors, you can only have MAX $100,000 per click.
- Therefore, you must have only ONE house near the Pizza Store or CoffeeShop.
- The ONE house should have tenants to start earning (choose the students).
- If you exceeded $100,000 in one click, you WILL get an OUT OF SYNC error. Just ensure ONE house in the area of the commerce building and you will be fine.
- Watch video if still unclear.
- Now, once this is done, CLOSE fiddler.
- As this v2 cheat is only for firefox, you should now set your Firefox Fiddler's Settings to DISABLED.
- Open Charles Web Debugging Proxy and make sure it is recording your web activities.
- Click on the PizzaStore or CoffeeShop now.
- Look in Charles, you will see the line ""
- Expand it > Expand dollar and you will see the line GAME
- Right click GAME and select Repeat Advanced.
- 1000 iterations 30 concurrency
- After all 1000 runs completed, you can refresh your game and enjoy your new millions.
Labels: Millionaire City